LeadingAge on Monday launched a new campaign aimed at saving the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program.
LeadingAge, an association of community-based, nonprofit organizations dedicated to making America a better place to grow old, says a large and rapidly expanding population of low-income older adults faces the challenge of finding affordable, safe housing that can accommodate changing needs as they grow older. The 202 program provides funding for housing with services coordination so this population can age in place longer and with better health outcomes. Any cuts would reduce the availability of affordable housing for older adults who rely on it.
The objectives of the Save HUD 202 campaign are to:
- Prevent cuts to 202.
- Maintain 100 percent funding for people served by affordable housing today.
- Expand funding to create new affordable housing for older adults.
Visit www.saveHUD202.org to access for more information about the campaign and to download advocacy materials.