
SDAHO hosts three larger education events annually to not only help members fulfill continuing education needs, but also to provide a setting in which providers can learn from knowledgeable presenters on the latest health care topics, network with other industry leaders and evaluate innovative products and services.

Post-Acute Partners in Care Conference

This conference is designed to create the opportunity for networking and education for all post-acute care professionals in nursing homes, home health, hospice and assisted living.

This conference includes concurrent sessions, giving participants options to meet their individual needs, and provides a venue for discussion of issues that are pertinent to each discipline within post-acute care.

For more information on our Post-Acute Conference, click here.

Rural Health Leaders Conference

Rural health in South Dakota has experienced so much in the last year, but our health leaders continue to demonstrate nimbleness, innovation, and the continuous ability to adapt to meet the needs of their community.  Through collaborations, innovative models and strong advocacy, our South Dakota hospitals and post-acute care facilities are leading the way and improving the lives of those they serve.

Rural health is complex, diverse and ever-changing – join SDAHO and the state’s rural health executives to explore how we can continue to advance health care in South Dakota, regardless of the challenges. For more information on this conference, click here.

Annual Convention

The South Dakota Association of Health Care Organizations (SDAHO) annual convention provides the ideal environment for connecting with colleagues from across the state, learn about the latest issues in healthcare and participate in many informational sessions with top speakers.

The annual convention draws more than 650 health care professionals from across South Dakota and offers 10+ contact hours in for Licensed Nursing Home Providers and Social Workers.

For more details on the Annual Convention, click here.

Call for presentations

Would you like to speak or present at one of our events? Click the button to submit a proposal.

Vendor Opportunities

Unique opportunities to connect with hospitals, healthcare systems, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home health and hospice organizations in the state.