The South Dakota congressional delegation joined together in requesting the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to remove proposed cuts to the 340B program.
Senator John Thune has taken the lead in circulating a bipartisan “Dear Colleague” letter to DHHS Secretary Tom Price and CMS Administrator Seema Verma asking them to rescind a proposal to significantly reduce Medicare Part B payment for drugs acquired through the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Senator Mike Rounds is expected to sign onto the letter.
In addition, Representative Kristi Noem will be sending a similar letter of support to CMS requesting them to withdraw its proposal to pay for separately payable, non-pass-through drugs purchased through the 340B program at the average sales price (ASP) minus 22.5 percent, rather than the current rate of ASP plus 6 percent.
SDAHO joins with our national partners in strongly opposing the CMS proposal and submitted a comment letter. CMS estimates that this proposal would reduce Part B drug payments for 340B drugs by as much as $900 million in 2018.