At the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) Fall Conference in Arlington, Virginia, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma discussed her vision for the future of Medicaid by unveiling new policies that she believes will encourage innovative Medicaid reforms and reduce federal regulatory burdens.
Verma emphasized the following changes in her commitment to “turn the page in the Medicaid program” by giving states more freedom in Medicaid programs:
- Updating website content on Section 1115 Demonstrations
- Streamlining and improving the 1115 Demonstration, State Plan Amendments, and 1915 Waiver Processes
- Creating Medicaid and CHIP Scorecards to provide transparency
Visit the new updated Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Project page
View the Section 1115 Demonstration Process Improvements Informational Bulletin
View the State Plan Amendment and 1915 Waiver Informational Bulletin
#Medicaid #CMS