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Public Health Providers and Coronavirus Disease

CDC will host a webinar for healthcare providers on Thursday, March 5 to help facilities learn what they can do to prepare for COVID-19 including:

  • identifying persons under investigation,
  • applying infection prevention and control measures,
  • assessing risks of exposures,
  • optimizing the use of personal protective equipment supplies and managing and caring for patients.

The CDC continues its investigation of the coronavirus. As of March 2, the CDC has reported cases in 10 states.

What facilities can do:

  • Call into the CDC’s COVID-19 webinar on Thursday, March 5 1:00 – 2:00 pm CST
  • Share accurate information and prevention strategies with patients. CDC resources include fact sheets for patients in multiple languages.
  • Help other providers in your network access up-to-date information by sharing the link to the Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity webpage.
  • As a healthcare provider, you play an important role in helping your patients and others in your community stay informed about COVID-19. The CDC Coronavirus webpage is the best source for this information.

The South Dakota Department of Health is also hosting a webinar on March 5th at 9:00-10:00 am CT. The intended audience is health care facilities, medical providers, laboratorians, infection preventionists, and other health professionals.

Topics will include:

  • Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation update
  • Evaluating persons under investigation
  • Laboratory testing
  • Infection control measures
  • State stockpile
  • Communications

Join by clicking the link below (to view slides) or calling the conference line below. Please plan to connect a few minutes in advance.

Zoom Meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/384192088

Phone:  669.900.9128

Meeting ID: 384 192 088

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