Serv SD

Governor Noem is reaching out to our state’s licensed medical professionals (physicians, nurses, EMTs etc.) who are willing to volunteer their services.

Whether you work in a health field or not, active or retired, if you have an interest in serving your community, county and state during the COVID-19 pandemic, we invite you to join SERV SD.

SERV SD is a database of medical and health care volunteers who can be mobilzed immediately in response to an emergency. Participation in a deployment opportunity is optional. You may decide at the time a call is made to volunteer if you are willing and able to respond.

Register now with SERV SD at

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Unified Voice Newsletter

Events This Month

Current Month


21nov8:00 am9:00 amConcurrent Care: Reimbursement for Providing Care for ChildrenWebinar

21nov12:00 pm1:00 pmThe Role of Hospitals in Optimizing Postpartum Mental Health SupportAHA Webinar

21nov12:00 pm1:30 pmPediatric Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care: An Introduction, Best Practices, and State of the ResearchNACC webinar

21nov1:00 pm2:00 pmLaunching into PDPM Success: Boost Your Facility's Performance & Compliance with these PDPM-Based StrategiesSDAHO Webinar