HomeLatest NewsCovid-19State of South Dakota Back to Normal Long-Term Care Reopening Plan

State of South Dakota Back to Normal Long-Term Care Reopening Plan

The guidelines outlined in this plan to reopen our nursing home (NH) and assisted living center (ALC) communities is a collaborative effort between the South Dakota Department of Health, South Dakota Department of Human Services, South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations, and the South Dakota Healthcare Association to implement a Back to Normal Long-Term Care Reopening Plan. The plan provides guidance to NH and ALC to relax the current restrictions and would be conducted in phases beginning with the most restrictive phase, Phase I, and continuing through Phase III. The provider may change phases (advance or regress) based on a stair-step criteria dependent on community spread and the absence of COVID-19 within the facility. The reopening plan would allow the administrator and the governing board of the facilities to direct and advance through the phases following and completing the steps in each phase of the plan. Once the facility has completed Phase I and Phase II, the provider would remain in Phase III of the plan until the pandemic declaration has been lifted.

Follow the links below to access the Plan and Checklist.

Plan: https://doh.sd.gov/documents/COVID19/South_Dakota_Back_to_Normal_Nursing_Home_Reopening_Plan.pdf

Checklist: https://doh.sd.gov/documents/COVID19/NursingHome_ReOpening_Checklist.pdf

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