HomeLatest NewsCovid-19Register Today! National Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program

Register Today! National Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program

The Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ) has partnered with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to create the National Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program. Avera eCARE is actively enrolling South Dakota nursing facilities in this educational quality improvement opportunity and encourage all SD facilities to participate.

Benefits to your organization include:

  1. Assistance integrating your COVID-19 response with the QAPI program in your buildings
  2. Access to consistent educational content that has been developed by national subject matter experts, delivered by local content experts in an engaging format that allows exchange of ideas and learning from others​
  3. Up to $6,400.00 reimbursement for 13 week commitment​
  4. Demonstrating to staff, residents, family members, community members and survey agencies that your organization is committed to excellent care

What is involved in the program?

The program will kick off with 90 minute mandatory weekly sessions for 16 weeks, which should be attended by at least two skilled nursing facility representatives (ideally the medical director, nursing leader).  Specific topics include:

  1. Program Introduction & Preventing and Limiting the Spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes
  2. Infection Prevention and Management: Guidance and Practical Approaches for Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during COVID-19
  3. Infection Prevention and Management: Approaches to Cohorting during COVID-19
  4. Infection Prevention and Management: Promoting Solutions for Making the Built Environment Safer During COVID-19
  5. Infection Prevention and Management: Guidance for Cleaning & Disinfecting during COVID-19
  6. COVID-19 Testing for Nursing Homes
  7. COVID-19 Community Transmission and Nursing Home Screening Strategies
  8. Staff Returning to Work Safely during COVID-19
  9. Interprofessional Team Management of Mild cases of COVID-19
  10. Advance Care Planning in the time of COVID-19
  11. Promoting Safe Care Transitions during COVID-19 – Admissions, Discharges and Transfers
  12. Promoting Safe Visitation and Nursing Home Re-opening during COVID-19
  13. The Role of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in managing and Supporting Residents and Families during COVID-19
  14. Managing Social Isolation during COVID 19: Perspectives on Staff and Residents
  15. Supporting the Emotional Well-being of Staff Caring for Residents during COVID-19
  16. Effective Leadership and Communication during COVID-19
If you are interested in joining the National Nursing Home COVID-19 Safety Program, please respond by completing this survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FTQJRWT.

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