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South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management Releases Summary of CARES Act Grant Programs

​​The South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management (BFM) testified to the Joint Committee on Appropriations on November 18, regarding the status of CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund Small Business and Healthcare Grants. The state is still in the process of reviewing grants and anticipates making initial payments in early December. BFM reported that as of November 17, data from applications reviewed shows 36 applications for the Acute Care grant programs with distributions totaling $15.5 million, accounting for 104% of funding available for that group. The Community Based Provider grant program shows 145 applications with distributions totaling $31.9 million, accounting for 28% of the total funding available for that group.

BFM noted that applications are still being reviewed and in some cases, additional information is needed. Those requests will come via email to providers using the information the provider supplied during the application process. Providers should be watchful for email correspondence related to the grants.

BFM also indicated in their testimony that they continue to seek more flexibility, extended time frames, and guidance from the United States Department of the Treasury regarding additional distributions from the fund. BFM testified that they are looking into a hazard pay distribution and per bed payment distribution for healthcare providers and is corresponding with the Department of the Treasury regarding the ability to make these type of payments.

A summary of applications to the CARES Act Grant Programs and a summary of all South Dakota CARES Act expenditures are available on the BFM website.

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