HomeLatest NewsEducation NewsSDAHO's Education for the Week of April 12

SDAHO’s Education for the Week of April 12

​Register today for the upcoming education during the week of April 12. Check out our event calendar for other upcoming educational opportunities from SDAHO and other organizations. If you have any questions on SDAHO education, please contact Michella Sybesma. Click on the session title for more information and to register for the session.
This is a hot area and there is a lot of survey activity around prevention of suicidal patients from harm or strangulation. The Joint Commission announced that this is one of the four top areas of focus and their data shows that hospitals are receiving many RFIs in this area. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has promulgated requirements for hospitals to prevent ligature risk and self harm from patients that are suicidal. A 13 page memo was issued and the hospital manual was amended. Any hospital that received Medicare, which are most hospitals in America, must implement these changes for all patients. This webinar will also discuss the CMS proposed 15 page guidelines changes for 2020.

CMS amends tag numbers 144 in patient rights and tag 701 in facility services. This discusses what units need to be ligature resistant. It covers what patient assessments must be done and what should be in the environmental assessments. It discusses education and policy and procedure requirements. If you have a highly suicidal patient and the room is not ligature resistant do you have a 1:1 sitter? Hospitals that do not will need to change their policy and process and budget for this.

Joint Commission has 16 requirements to ensure compliance with their standards. These will discussed in detail and include psych hospital, behavior health units, general acute care inpatient units, outpatient units and emergency departments. The zero suicide campaign will be discussed. The TJC sentinel event alerts on suicide, NPSG 15 and final changes July 1, 2019, and Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on ligature risk will be covered. This includes one related to whether video monitoring is ever allowed. Again, the Joint Commission announced that this is one of four area of focus so hospitals need to have this issue on their radar screen and be prepared.

Resources will be provided. Tools to assess patients to determine if they have suicidal ideations will be included.

The culture in healthcare is to help others. Sometimes that comes with a personal cost. Performing under high levels of prolonged stress can take a serious toll on the mental and physical well-being of healthcare workers. Just as finding ways to foster personal resilience is important, having an organization that is supportive and creative about addressing the care of its employees is crucial for success. When healthcare personnel are unwell, patient safety is negatively impacted, and the economic burden for additional care and staffing can be tremendous. Now, after experiencing more than 12 months in an unprecedented global pandemic, looking out for the individual person who is a healthcare professional in a sustainable manner has become more important than ever.

 In this webinar presentation, the speaker will present information and research related to health professional burnout. From the unique perspective of a chief wellness officer examples of how an organization can demonstrate a commitment to health professional well-being will be shared.

This presentation will cover South Dakota specific workforce resources available to health care facilities, which has been created to help recruit and retain a dedicated healthcare workforce. Mr. Brock Rops will share the various workforce initiatives and opportunities available to healthcare organizations within South Dakota.
To view more educational opportunities, visit www.sdaho.org/calendar.

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