HomeLatest NewsQuality NewsUsing Partnerships to Address the Opioid Epidemic

Using Partnerships to Address the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic refers to the public health issue stemming from the rapid increase in the use of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs. Organizations like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with other organizations such as the American Hospital Association (AHA) continue to build partnerships through multiple public health and public safety collaborations to strengthen and improve efforts to reduced drug overdoses.

​In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, Marie Cleary-Fishman, vice president of clinical quality for the AHA Center for Health Innovation, and Holly Geyer, M.D., internal medicine practitioner at the Mayo Clinic, discuss opioid stewardship and AHA-developed resources that offer hospitals and health systems guidance and information on partnering with patients, clinicians and communities to address the opioid epidemic. Listen here.

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