HomeLatest NewsEducation NewsUpcoming Education Topics: Wound Care, Ending Office Clutter, Human Trafficking, Being Courageous

Upcoming Education Topics: Wound Care, Ending Office Clutter, Human Trafficking, Being Courageous

SDAHO is excited to share our education and professional development opportunities for the month of January. As a reminder, all SDAHO-hosted virtual education will be provided to SDAHO members for no additional cost and these opportunities will be housed on SDAHO’s Member Portal. We encourage you and those within your facility to register within SDAHO’s Member Portal to view upcoming education and recorded sessions, access the membership directory, and register for events. To sign in, visit the webpage at www.sdaho.org and select ‘Member Login’, where you will then register or request a new password. We have created a Member’s Guide to assist you in navigating the site, click here.

January 25 | 12:00pm CST | Effectively Using the QAPI Process to Implement a Wound Program | Presenter: Jeri Ann Lundgren

An in-house acquired or declining wound or pressure injury puts providers at risk for regulatory citations and litigation. The burden on the provider is to demonstrate that the development or decline of a wound/pressure injury was unavoidable.  The interventions that are implemented within the first 24 hours are critical, as well as on-going interdisciplinary updates to the plan of care.  This session will utilize the QAPI approach for implementing or enhancing a wound/pressure injury program to ensure your program meets regulatory guidance for F686, as well as NPIAP and WOCN standards of practice to minimize regulatory and legal risk.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an interdisciplinary team approach and have effective team meetings that include prevention
  • Demonstrate how to effectively utilize the wound care nurse to manage and oversee the program
  • Review common assessment, documentation and program errors that put facilities at risk for litigation or regulatory citations

CEU’s: Nursing Home Administrator & Social Worker

February 1 | 2:30 pm CST Ending the Office Clutter & Info Overload:  Key Strategies for Managing Your Info Overload, Clutter and “Stacks & Piles” | Presenter:  Randy Dean

If you would like to get control of “the beast” of information overload and all of your “stacks & piles”, you should attend this program. Learn how to reduce the mess on your desk by having “natural” places for all of your papers, project folders, items to read, etc. Develop strategies and systems for effective and efficient management of your documents and workstation, as well as electronic files. Learn how to get rid of all of the annoying “little stuff” and “clutter” once and for all, and then keep it under control for the ongoing future. We’ll even discuss the possibilities and technology required to move toward a “paperless” workspace. Have a system for managing your info overload in all forms, rather than letting it manage you!

CEU’s: Nursing Home Administrator & Social Worker

February 3 | 12:00 pm CST Rumbling with Vulnerability: Conquering the Six Myths that Keep Us from Being Courageous | Presenter: Lisa Brower

There is a paradox around vulnerability. It goes like this… we love to see it in other people but we hate to show it in ourselves. It’s the first thing we look for in others but the last thing we want people to see in us. Brené Brown, shame researcher and author of Dare to Lead, stresses that vulnerability is a prerequisite for daring leadership. She believes that our ability to be daring leaders will never be greater than our capacity for vulnerability.

In this engaging session, Lisa, a Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator, will invite you into an elevated conversation about vulnerability where you’ll:

  • understand what vulnerability is and why it matters now
  • identify your response when you feel vulnerable
  • debunk the six myths around vulnerability
  • get clear on how to practice the art of vulnerability

CEU’s: Nursing Home Administrator & Social Worker

February 8 | 11:00am CST |  Supporting Victims & Survivors of Human Trafficking | Presenter: Call to Freedom

This webinar aims at bringing awareness to the issue of human trafficking in South Dakota by empowering healthcare professionals to take a stand. The topics covered will address just how prevalent human trafficking is in South Dakota, indicators to observe in the clinical setting, and the complex trauma survivors experience. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of human trafficking as a whole, as well as services available for victims and survivors to start their healing journey after identification.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define human trafficking
  • Identify industries in which human trafficking is happening, locally and globally
  • Understand individual and systematic vulnerabilities making victims susceptible to trafficking situations
  • Identify human trafficking red flags or indicators
  • Understand current services available to trafficking victims and survivors

CEU’s: Nursing Home Administrator & Social Worker


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