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Quality Corner: Quality and Data

Quality has always been an intregal part of the healthcare industry. Data drives decision making and without it, quality professional and healthcare leadership are unable to make informed business decisions and open their facilities up to risk. Not only does a facility need to have access to data but they also need to be able to trust that the data is accurate, reliable, and has validity. SDAHO partners with various hospital and industry associations to ensure the data you receive meets these expectations so you can confidently make operational and strategic decisions.

One of many data reports is the Point of Origin or POD report. SDAHO Quality team is pleased to announce the release of the 2021 Point of Origin (POD) report is now available. The reports provide data to our member hospitals on inpatient origin and destination and is one of the many benefits of being a part of SDAHO. The data includes the number of discharges and inpatient days by SD counties, states, and SD hospitals. These reports are generated with the claims data submitted through the SD Inpatient Outpatient (SD IPOP) portal. The reports were sent via email to the CFOs and CEOs of our member hospitals last week.

If you did not receive the report and would like a copy, please contact Becky Heisinger at Becky.Heisinger@sdaho.org.

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