HomeHometown Healthcare HeroSDAHO’s Hometown Healthcare Heroes Project featured on SDPB's “In the Moment” Radio...

SDAHO’s Hometown Healthcare Heroes Project featured on SDPB’s “In the Moment” Radio Program

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations announced earlier this spring they are the recipients of a South Dakota Community Foundation grant to assist with workforce needs across the state. On May 27, 2022, the project was featured on South Dakota Public Broadcasting (SDPB), “In the Moment – With Lori Walsh”. SDAHO’s Communication Manager, Stephanie Rissler joined Walsh to talk about the history and mission of the program. “SDAHO is honored to join SDPB’s In the Moment, to help share the story and mission of our Hometown Healthcare Heroes project. This opportunity allowed us to share with the entire state the challenges that many of our rural healthcare facilities are facing when it comes to workforce. Hometown Healthcare Heroes focuses workforce recruitment for our member facilities that need the help the most.” Stephanie Rissler, Communication Manager – SDAHO

The partnership between the South Dakota Community Foundation and SDAHO allows the SDAHO communication team to elevate the production value on the videos being produced. In addition, the grant funding provides for an increase marketing campaign that will target potential applicants on a nationwide scale through social media platforms.  When asked why SDAHO is using a story telling recruitment tool rather than traditional workforce recruitment methods Rissler said. “When you get into our rural communities, it’s a little harder to attract folks when they don’t know who you are and what you have to offer, and all the things that make living in small town USA great. We knew we couldn’t just share a job opening we had to tell their story. We knew we had to talk about makes these communities and facilities great and then we have to tell the rest of the world.” Stephanie Rissler, Communication Manager – SDAHO

The greatest need for SDAHO member facilities looks different from facility to facility. This campaign brings SDAHO member facilities and the communities the skill and technology to create high quality workforce recruitment videos and accompanying press material. The project will highlight one community and facility per month until June of 2023.

During the interview Rissler was asked when she has visited the facilities and chatted with healthcare professionals, what lights them up. “I have realized those that I have interviewed know it’s a calling for them. The last few years has been difficult for many and it’s pressed upon them how much of a calling working in healthcare is for them. They’ve shared their rewarding and challenging moments with me. I am so excited, thankful and honored to tell their story.”

To listen to the full interview click here.

To learn more about SDAHO’s Hometown Healthcare Heroes Project, visit our webpage.


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