HomeLatest NewsQuality NewsOct. 16 – 22, 2022 is National Healthcare Quality Week

Oct. 16 – 22, 2022 is National Healthcare Quality Week

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) would like to thank all healthcare quality professionals for their hard work and dedication as we celebrate National Healthcare Quality week October 16 – 22, 2022.

This week is a dedicated time to acknowledge the progress made by healthcare and quality professionals toward improving patient outcomes and to prepare for the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

This special week raises awareness of the positive impact healthcare quality professionals have in their organizations and communities. Quality has taken center stage and more healthcare professionals are being called upon to do this critical work. The profession of healthcare quality has arrived as the intersection where preparation meets opportunity and healthcare has taken notice. Healthcare quality professionals are no longer the best kept secret in healthcare, so show your pride in what you do and what you care about.

Now it’s time to celebrate your achievements and learn new emerging strategies for your industry. So, sit back and relax, give yourself a big hug and pat on the back, and remind yourself how essential and valued you are to your institution, colleagues and the patients that come through your doors.

We’re incredibly grateful to you for your unwavering commitment to healthcare quality, so enjoy your week; you deserve it! On Behalf of the Quality Integration Team and all the SDAHO Staff, Thank you!

Watch SDAHO’s Quality Integration Team’s Thank You Video.

Click here to access the National Association of Healthcare Quality planning guide.

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