HomeLatest NewsQuality NewsQuality Corner: Quality data due 1st quarter of 2023

Quality Corner: Quality data due 1st quarter of 2023

The quality team at SDAHO wants to remind participating member hospitals of the quality data due for the first quarter of 2023. These items should be entered into their perspective portals by March 15, 2023. Three areas to know about, the National Healthcare Safety Network Annual Report (NHSN) reports are organized by topic, and include summaries of healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial use and resistance, healthcare personnel influenza vaccination rates, and dialysis events. To learn more about NHSN Reports click here.
  1. NHSN Annual Report
  2. Compass Workplan
  3. OP-22 data into HARP
Please reach out to your Clinical Improvement Consultant if you have questions on how to enter any of this data. For more information and resources offered through the SDAHO Quality Integration Department visit sdaho.org/quality-integration. You can also reach out to our clinical improvement team to ask quesitons about upcoming deadlines and available resources.

  • Loretta Bryan, Clinical Improvement Consultant, Loretta.Bryan@sdaho.org, 605-789-7531
    • Loretta supports hospitals located South of I-90 and the Black Hills Region
  • Michelle Hofer, Clinical Improvement Consultant, Michelle.Hofer@sdaho.org, 605-789-4995
    • Michelle supports the hospitals located North of I-90 and Southeastern Minnesota
  • Becky Heisinger, Director of Quality Integration, Becky.Heisinger@sdaho.org, 605-789-7529

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