HomeLatest NewsAdvocacySDAHO Legislative Update Week 6

SDAHO Legislative Update Week 6

We are halfway through the 2023 South Dakota Legislative session, with week 6 now wrapped up. A variety of healthcare related bills continue to work their way through the legislative process, with several more still waiting to be considered. One measure successfully defeated with the help from SDAHO members is House Bill 1216. If passed it would have established and revised requirements related to visitation policies and procedures for certain facilities. We were able to provide several opponent testifiers including SDAHO COO Tammy Hatting in addition to representing our state’s long-term care industry. After a lengthy hearing the motion was sent to the 41st legislative day on a 9-2 vote which defeats the measure. To listen to edited highlights, click here.

In the Senate this week, Senate Bill 196 was heard in Senate Appropriations. The measure will provide for the study of long-term care services during the interim with an amount of funding that is not yet known. SDAHO testified in support of the measure, and it was passed unanimously by lawmakers, sending it to the Senate floor for further consideration.

As we look to week 7, we anticipate several bills that have been waiting to be debated will finally be taken up. Wednesday, February 22, is crossover day. This is the last day for a bill to be moved from its house of origin.

For the latest updates on all of the bills SDAHO is tracking, visit our Bill Tracker.


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