HomeLatest NewsState NewsRural Healthcare Facility Recruitment Assistance Program to Include Dental Hygienists

Rural Healthcare Facility Recruitment Assistance Program to Include Dental Hygienists

The Rural Healthcare Facility Recruitment Assistance Program (RHFRAP) will now include Dental Hygienists as an eligible occupation for RHFRAP and Dental offices will be added as eligible facilities. RHFRAP provides a $10,000 payment to eligible health professionals who complete a three-year, full-time service commitment and be a new employee within the last 9 months. The health professional must enter into a contract with the employing facility and the state. Eligible facilities must be located in a community with a population of 10,000 or less. Applications must be submitted by the employing facility with a limit of 3 participants per employing facility. Applications for dental hygienists can be submitted on or after July 5, 2023. For more information contact the South Dakota Office of Rural Health, 600 E Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501; phone 1-800-738-2301 or go to doh.sd.gov/providers/ruralhealth/recruitment/Facility


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