HomeLatest NewsQuality News2024 Diabetes Self-Management Education Pilot Project Funding Opportunity

2024 Diabetes Self-Management Education Pilot Project Funding Opportunity

South Dakota State University Extension and Better Choices, Better Health SD (BCBH-SD), in partnership with the SD Department of Health, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, is offering the 2024 Diabetes Self-Management Education Pilot Project Funding Opportunity.

The Request for Application (RFA) is due May 31, 2024, by 5pm CDT.

Funding is up to $15,000 and the pilot project is from 6/1/2024 to 5/31/2025.

Purpose and Scope of Work: 

SDSU Extension is requesting proposals for a community or organization to implement the BCBH-SD diabetes self-management education program to adults in their community and/or service area as a pilot project. The community or organization will incorporate Community Health Workers to deliver diabetes self-management education (DSME) workshops, meeting all licensure and contract requirements. Over the 12 months of this grant opportunity, the community or organization awarded will regularly meet with the BCBH-SD staff to ensure successful completion of the pilot project objectives and deliverables.

To learn more about the applicating requirement and scoring, click here. 

For questions contact: Megan Jacobson, Chronic Disease Management Field Specialist, SDSU Extension at megan.jacobson@sdstate.edu.

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