SDAHO participates in state plan on aging listening session

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) Justin Hinker, VP of Post-Acute Care and Tammy Hatting, COO, advocate on behalf of members daily by lifting up concerns, building relationships with key stakeholders and educating lawmakers on issues that matter most to healthcare providers.

One of those issues is meeting the needs of older adults and caregivers in South Dakota. Hinker and Hatting participated in the South Dakota State Plan on Aging listening session hosted by the South Dakota Department of Human Services (SD DHS) on September 9. With roughly 30 people in attendance, both Hinker and Hatting provided feedback on the staffing crisis, reimbursement rates, lack of transportation services, challenges in rural areas and pressure on both family caregivers and clinical caregivers.

The SD DHS division of Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) shared an overview of their services and discussed ideas for improving communication between healthcare providers and the public. Hatting said, “We appreciate our partnership with SD DHS LTSS and value their transparency and collaboration as we discuss the current state of aging services in South Dakota.”

To learn more about the SD DHS Division of Long-Term Services and Supports, visit their website.