Celebrating National Workforce Development Month: Empowering Talent for Tomorrow

September is National Workforce Development Month, a time to recognize the crucial role that workforce development professionals play in supporting workers and driving economic growth. These professionals provide pathways into 21st-century jobs that not only support families but also ensure that U.S. businesses find the skilled workforce necessary to compete in the global economy. Created by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP), this month emphasizes the importance of training and education in preparing individuals for today’s dynamic job market.

We encourage everyone to join in celebrating Workforce Development Month by recognizing your workforce development professionals. You can show your appreciation through social media platforms or by displaying acknowledgement in common areas or break rooms. Let’s highlight the invaluable contributions these individuals make by using the hashtag #WKDEVMONTH. Together, we can honor those dedicated to fostering a skilled workforce, paving the way for a brighter economic future for all.

For more information on National Workforce Development Month and to access the Workforce Development Month toolkit, please click here. For any workforce-related inquiries, please contact our Workforce Development Coordinator, Lindsay Stroman, at lindsay.stroman@sdaho.org.