The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations joins millions across the country in celebrating American Heart Month during February 2025. During American Heart Month, thousands of American Heart Association volunteers raise awareness about and raise funds to fight cardiovascular disease, our number one killer. A federally designated event for more than half a century, American Heart Month reminds people to focus on their hearts and encourages them to get their families, friends, and communities involved.
National Wear Red Day is Feb. 7 – show your support by wearing red on this day. Watch our social media for SDAHO staff showing their support.
Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women.
Since 2004, the American Heart Association’s signature women’s initiative, Go Red for Women, has addressed the awareness and clinical care gaps of women’s greatest health threat, cardiovascular disease (CVD). We are prepared to meet the evolving needs of women now, and at every age, every stage and every season of their lives as their trusted, relevant source for credible, equitable health solutions.
To learn more about National Wear Red Day and ways to support this important initiative, visit: goredforwomen.org.
For more information on American Heart Month, visit the American Heart Association at heart.org.