HomeLatest NewsQuality Corner: Past Accomplishments and Looking Ahead

Quality Corner: Past Accomplishments and Looking Ahead

In reviewing the past year accomplishments and future plans, the Quality Team at SDAHO is looking forward to a productive 2022.

2021 marked the start of a new vision and direction for the SDAHO Quality team. SDAHO welcomed new leadership, staff and a new vision and direction was set. Many accomplishments were achieved at the end of 2021.  Below are a few key accomplishments:

  • Quality workplan and objectives in alignment with SDAHO strategic plan
  • Offered to SD CAHs National Association on Healthcare Quality CPHQ Prep-Course and HQ Solutions
  • Consistent articles in the SDAHO weekly newsletter (Quality Corner, monthly)
  • Visible presence with working with member hospitals via zoom or in person
  • Relationship development with quality staff and leadership at member hospitals
  • Quality updates integrated into the SDAHO Board of Trustees meetings, District meetings and other events

The Quality team is excited to begin working on 2022 goals that include:

  • A refresh on the SDAHO website Quality page to include enhancements such as short videos on key measure sets
  • Evaluate the need for and if appropriate, implement an innovative communication tool for quality leads
  • Transition toward process improvement guidance with member hospital’s
  • Education sessions focused on quality topics, harms area and grants management
  • Enhance Quality focus at the SDAHO Annual Convention

The SDAHO Quality team is available to answer questions and receive feedback. Contact any one of us for assistance.  We are here to serve.

Becky Heisinger
Director of Quality Integration

Loretta Bryan, RN BSN
Clinical Improvement Consultant

Michelle Hofer, RN BSN
Clinical Improvement Consultant

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