WOCN Ostomy Education Day

​The ​Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) Ostomy Education Day is a free online experience aimed at celebrating ostomy awareness, dispelling myths, and...

SDAHO Hosts Hegg Brothers for Healthcare Appreciation Concert

To show our appreciation for those that work in healthcare, SDAHO will host a free concert with special musical guest and local South Dakotans,...

Crucial Learning Webinar Series On-Demand

Crucial Learning is an organization that focuses on developing people. A June 2022 Crucial Learning study, found the top 5 skills employees valued most...

What you need to know about the Fentanyl Crisis ~ Sponsored by the Hazelden...

Starting in 1949, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has shaped the field of addiction treatment and recovery through offering a variety of professional development...

Sepsis Alliance Offers Free Nursing CE Credits at Sepsis Summit

On September 28-29, the Sepsis Alliance is proudly hosting its Sepsis Alliance Summit. Set to coincide with Sepsis Awareness Month, the event will feature...

Community Response to Child Abuse Conference Set for Oct. 6-7, 2022

Every community is vital in South Dakota’s efforts to end child maltreatment in our state. The Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment is...

Annual Convention Offers Variety of Specialized Tracks for Healthcare Professionals

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations 2022 annual convention is just around the corner, September 21 – 23 at the Sioux Falls Convention...

OASIS-E Training

As finalized in the CY 2022 Home Health Rule, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will implement Outcome and Assessment Information Set...

Managing Medical Device-related Skin Injuries Webinar Sponsored by American Nurse

​Medical device–related pressure injuries (MDRPIs) are iatrogenic and account for more than 30% of all hospital-acquired pressure injuries. The American Nurse is sponsoring a...

Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care to Present at SDAHO’s Convention

Would you or your staff like to improve interactions with those living with dementia or other forms of brain change? Would you like to...

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