SDAHO adds workforce resources for health care recruitment and retention

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) has added a valuable workforce recruitment and retention resource center to aid health care facilities attract and retain employees. The website, brings together more than 20 hospital associations in the HospitalCareers network to collaborate and share recruitment expenses through a cost-effective and niche online strategy.

Key member benefits include:

  • Exposure through the SDAHO Health Care Workforce Resource Center, the national network ( with more than 155,000 registered users and 220,000 page views each month, Google for Jobs and ZipRecruiter (along with its partner network);
  • Individually branded profile pages for hospital participants;
  • Access for healthcare applicants to apply directly to a hospital’s application process;
  • Marketing to career centers at state universities and colleges that produce healthcare graduates; and
  • The ability to track all jobs, views, profile views and apply clicks for each posting.

The annual cost of participation is based on bed size and for unlimited job postings. The total cost is comparable to one weekend advertisement in a local newspaper.

To participate or learn more, contact Gil Johnson at or 605-361-2281.