SD hospitals excel in implementing Person & Family Engagement metrics

As of November 2017, 50 percent of South Dakota Compass Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) hospitals are meeting four or more of the five Person & Family Engagement (PFE) metrics into their operations, an accomplishment worth noting.

The PFE metrics were developed as a strategy to improve patient safety by getting families and patients fully involved in health care decisions and conversations. PFE continues to be a major focus for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) due to the positive impact this can have on the quality of care hospitals provide. CMS has also created the PFE Roadmap Digests to help define and explain the intentions of each metric.

The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) and South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) would like to congratulate the following hospitals on achieving success in adopting the PFE metrics into their hospital operations. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Kok, SDAHO Improvement Advisor.

Achieved All 5 Metrics
Avera Weskota Memorial Hospital
Regional Health Custer Hospital
Faulkton Area Medical Center
Madison Regional Health System
Pioneer Memorial Hospital
Sanford Chamberlain Hospital
Sanford Clear Lake Hospital
Sandford Webster Hospital
Sanford Vermillion Hospital
Regional Health Sturgis Hospital
Achieved 4 Out of 5 Metrics
Avera St. Benedict Health Center
Milbank Area Hospital Avera
Community Memorial Hospital Burke
Douglas County Memorial Hospital
Hans P. Peterson Memorial Hospital
Regional Health Lead-Deadwood Hospital
Sanford Aberdeen Hospital
Sanford Canton-Inwood Medical Center
Regional Health Spearfish Hospital
Wagner Community Hospital Avera
Winner Regional Healthcare Center