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Department of Health Budget

Department of Health Budget Hearing to Joint Committee on Appropriations

The South Dakota Department of Health (DOH) presented its budget hearing to the JCA on February 5th.  Secretary Kim Malsam-Rysdon started with the departments strategic plan and performance dashboards on health indicators, such as access to preventive care, infant mortality, smoking, childhood immunizations and suicide.

The department of health is primarily funded by federal funds (45%) from grant activity and other funds (46%) from correctional health and licensure fees while (9%) is funded by general funds.

**It is important to note these budget briefing books represent Governor Daugaard’s budget**

DOH FY20 1st Page Budget.png

DOH FY20 Major Budget Items.png

Additional highlights from the presentation related to providers include:

The Opioid Funding at $2.4M is provided by two federal grants at $1.7M and $700k, spread amongst three divisions. Concentration among funding will pertain to support development of clinical prescribing guidelines and provide trainings, laboratory drug testing enhancement, link data and patient information systems, continue Naloxone distribution and training for EMS and public awareness.

Pierre Rural Residency Program received accreditation in October 2017 and the first two residents with the program began their residencies in August 2018. As a reminder, residents with the rural residency program spend the first year of residency at the Sioux Falls Family Medicine Residency program before moving to Pierre for years 2 and 3. The department requests an increase of $27,331 in general funds and an increase of $46,669 in federal fund expenditure authority to support continued development of the rural family medicine residency track in Pierre to address health care workforce shortages. Total

JCA appropriates $659,849 to reimburse four physicians, one dentist and three physician assistants, who will be fulfilling the requirements of their agreements with the State during FY 2020. JCA also appropriates $320,000 to reimburse 53 eligible healthcare professionals who have complied with the requirements of the Rural Healthcare Facility Recruitment Assistance Program in FY 2020.

In addition, the DOH presented the correctional health budget to the JCA.​


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