HomeLatest NewsLong Term Care NewsFingerprint Background Checks are now optional, not mandatory, for FY2019 Provider Provisions...

Fingerprint Background Checks are now optional, not mandatory, for FY2019 Provider Provisions for Assisted Living and in-home services providers

Following the release of the FY2019 Provider Supplemental Provision, LTSS received provider feedback indicating that this requirement could result in less thorough background checks and contribute to existing challenges with work force shortages. Based on this feedback, an update was made to corrective action for the State fingerprint background check requirements. The updated Corrective Action was submitted to CMS in January 2019. 

In February 2019, South Dakota received approval from CMS on the updated language. This update allows providers to utilize either a State fingerprint background check or a State approved background check (in lieu of the state fingerprint background check). Providers that wish to utilize their existing background check will be required to provide information showing their existing background check process meets the threshold criteria. A template for this purpose will be distributed in the coming weeks. LTSS will be holding a call-in session for questions on Wednesday March 27, 2019.

Date: March 27, 2019Time: 2:00 PM CST
Call in number: 1-866-410-8397
Conference Code: 5969258425

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