SDAHO Enterprises would like to invite your facility to take advantage of our new online recruitment resource
SDAHO has joined over twenty Hospital Associations in partnering through the HospitalCareers network. This platform aims to help alleviate unnecessary recruitment expenses through a cost effective and niche online strategy.
Key Member Benefits:
- Exposure through the ​SDAHO State Site (, National network (​) with over ​155​,000 registered users and 220,000 page views each month, Google for Jobs, and ZipRecruiter (along with partner network).
- Hospital, Nursing Home, Medical Group, Home Health Agency, and Health System participants will receive individually branded profile pages.
- Healthcare applicants are able to apply directly into a hospital’s application process.
- Marketed to career centers at state universities and colleges that produce healthcare graduates.
- Tracks all jobs, views, profile views and apply clicks for each posting.
- The annual cost of participation is based on bed size and or unlimited amount of job postings. The total cost is comparable to ONE weekend advertisement in a local newspaper.
For additional details, please review the overview which will walk you through the details and pricing for participation. To participate or learn more, please contact Daniel Herzog at or 866-870-4885 ext. 802.
SDAHO Enterprise was developed to pursue valued services and increase non-dues revenue. Overall goals and objectives of providing revenue to supplement SDAHO strategies and providing support and benefit to members.