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Public Comment Open: Child and Adult Core Sets of Quality Measures for Medicaid and CHIP

The public comment period is now open for the draft report, Recommendations for Improving the Core Sets of Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid and CHIP: Summary of a Multi-Stakeholder Review of the 2020 Child and Adult Core Sets.

The Child and Adult Core Sets of quality measures for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are key indicators of the access to, and quality of, the health care Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries receive, many of whom are also served by HRSA’s Health Center Program.

Workgroup members convened at an in person back in May to review 14 existing Core Set measures suggested for removal from the 2020 Core Sets and 42 measures suggested for addition.

In Summary, the Workgroup recommended:

•Removal of 4 measures from the Child Core Set out of a total of 5 measures suggested for removal
•Removal of 3 measures from the Adult Core Set out of a total of 9 measures suggested for removal
•Addition of 5 measures to the Child and Adult Core Sets out of a total of 42 measures suggested for addition

Review information about the report or the report itself. Email public comments to MACCoreSetReview@mathematica-mpr.com with the subject line “2020 Core Set Review Public Comment” by 8:00 p.m. ET on Monday, August 5.


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