HomeLatest NewsMember NewsSDAHO HRSA Meeting


This week Tim Rave, SDAHO president/CEO, and Kristen Bunt, SDAHO’s director, quality integration, met with Nicholas Zucconi , Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) regional administrator for region 8. Mr. Zucconi provided an overview of the HRSA programs and highlighted the impact these programs have had. He also provided information in regards to HRSA support specifically for programs in South Dakota. Mr. Z​ucconi​ heard about the partnerships SDAHO and our members have with the SD Office of Rural Health including the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (FLEX) program. He was interested to hear about the work SDAHO has embarked on around opioid abuse. SDAHO shared information and updates about the  Community Opioid Abuse Response Effort (COARE) project.

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21nov8:00 am9:00 amConcurrent Care: Reimbursement for Providing Care for ChildrenWebinar

21nov12:00 pm1:00 pmThe Role of Hospitals in Optimizing Postpartum Mental Health SupportAHA Webinar

21nov12:00 pm1:30 pmPediatric Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care: An Introduction, Best Practices, and State of the ResearchNACC webinar

21nov1:00 pm2:00 pmLaunching into PDPM Success: Boost Your Facility's Performance & Compliance with these PDPM-Based StrategiesSDAHO Webinar