HomeLatest NewsCovid-19Merritt Hawkins: Examines Physician Supply and Recruiting Trends Post-COVID-19

Merritt Hawkins: Examines Physician Supply and Recruiting Trends Post-COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on all sectors of healthcare, and the arena of physician recruiting and retention is no different.

How has the virus affected key factors driving physician supply and demand? What do healthcare facilities seeking physicians need to know about the new dynamics in physician recruiting? What course should physicians seeking practice opportunities take in light of the pandemic? How has medical education been affected and what steps should be taken to secure an adequate supply of physicians in the long-term?

SDAHO Enterprises endorsed business partner, Merritt Hawkins, addresses these and related questions in a new white paper entitled, Will There Be a Doctor in the House? Physician Supply, Demand, and Staffing During and Post-Covid-19

Many of the underlying drivers of physician supply and demand, including an aging population, pervasive chronic illness in the population, an aging physician workforce and changing physician practice patterns, are unlikely to change as a result of Covid-19. Some factors, such as rising demand for mental health services, are likely to be exacerbated by the virus. Others, such as the speed with which the economy may recover, remain uncertain.

For physicians seeking practice opportunities, the white paper suggests a more focused job search, as practice opportunities are not as abundant as they were pre-Covid-19. For healthcare facilities seeking physicians, the white paper suggests that now is a particularly favorable time to initiate recruiting efforts.

The white paper also addresses how medical schools have altered their curriculums and schedules in response to the virus, in some cases allowing for early graduation. The white paper concludes with several recommendations for how a potential physician shortage can be avoided and long-term access to physicians enhanced.

The white paper can be downloaded here.

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