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COVID-19 Maintaining Healthcare Safety, Critical Care Load-Balancing & Behavioral Health Resources

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) released an Express message to include the following new resources:

  1. Maintaining Healthcare Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic – this speaker series, in collaboration with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, highlights short presentations featuring healthcare professionals sharing their experiences as they worked through the operational realities of maintaining and prioritizing healthcare safety during COVID-19.
  2. Critical Care Load-Balancing- the COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group released two resources to help jurisdictions manage COVID-19 patient surge: Critical Care Load-Balancing Operational Template and Considerations for Assessing Regional Patient Load-Balancing Effects during COVID-19.
  3. Behavioral Health Compendium – this compendium is designed to help regional emergency coordinators and federal and state planners support stakeholders in various areas of COVID-19 response and recovery, with sections featuring grants, online resources and trainings, waivers and flexibilities, and data sources.

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