HomeLatest NewsFederal NewsHRSA Rural Health Care Service Outreach Program Application Open

HRSA Rural Health Care Service Outreach Program Application Open

​The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will make 60 awards with total funding of $12.75 million to enhance the delivery of health care services in rural communities. The Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program is a community-based grant program aimed towards promoting rural health care services by enhancing health care delivery to rural underserved populations in the local community or region. Through partnerships between local health care and social service providers, communities can develop innovative approaches to challenges related to the specific health needs in rural areas that expand clinical and service capacity in rural communities.
The goals for the Outreach Program are to:
  • Expand the delivery of health care services to include new and enhanced services exclusively in rural communities;
  • Deliver health care services through a strong consortium, in which every consortium member organization is actively involved and engaged in the planning and delivery of services;
  • Utilize community engagement and evidence-based or innovative, evidence informed model(s) in the delivery of health care services; and
  •  Improve population health, and demonstrate health outcomes and sustainability
 Eligible applicants are public and private, nonprofit and for-profit entities with demonstrated ability to serve rural populations. Applicants must represent a network of three or more health care provider organizations; at least two-thirds of these must be located in a HRSA-designated rural area.

Applications for the grant are available here.

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