This conference is geared towards health leaders interested in improving rural health care. Continuing education contact hours will be provided to nursing home administrators.
Wednesday, June 9
- 12pm, Registration
- 1-2pm, American Hospital Association Federal Update
- 2:15-3:15pm, H-1B Rural Healthcare Grant Program
- 3:30-4:30pm, Sequential Intercept Model & Mental and Substance Use Disorders
- 5pm – Social
Thursday, June 10
- 8:30am, Models of Behavioral Health Care for Rural Communities
- 9:40am, Preparing Healthcare Facilities – Now and Into the Future
- 10:50am, Innovative Solutions Funded within Rural Communities
- 11:50am, Lunch
- 12:30pm, Office of Rural Health update
- 1:40pm, Life is a Marathon, So Double Tie Your Shoes, Elaine Doll Dunn
- Adjourn around 2:40pm
As we plan for this event, we are making the health and safety of our guests top priority. Seating will be social distanced and masks and sanitizer will be available for guests.
To learn more and register, click here.