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Patient Rights – Abuse and Restraints in Hospitals

Deficiencies related to improper usage of restraints and seclutions were the number one cause of immediate jeopardy in hospital settings.

On January 11, 2022, Nancy Ruzicka provided education on regulations related to restraints, seclusion and abuse.  Several examples were shared on survey deficiencies and reasons as to why immediate jeopardies or deficiencies were issued by not following regulations. One example  shared included a facility that failed to ensure one of eight patients in restraints had a written modification to their care plan completed when restraints were applied.  This failed practice resulted in the potential for staff to be unaware of restraint use interventions needed to prevent harm to the patient.

The number seven cause of immediate jeopardy are deficiencies related to abuse while in hospitals.  Alleged violations must be reported within 2 hours after allegation is made to hospital administrator and other officials including Survey Agency in accord with State Law.  This investigation must be thorough, must prevent further abuse and neglect while investigation is in process and must report investigation results to hospital administrator and other officials in accord with State law within five working days.

Nancy also covered topics related to restraints and abuse regarding staff training requirements and documentation, survey requirements, drugs used to manage behavior, what is not considered a restraint, reviewed orders related to restraints or seclusions, and provided abuse deficiency examples.

To view the entire session and receive handouts for this education, click here.  To access this and other education, all SDAHO members will need to register through SDAHO’s member portal by visiting www.sdaho.org and select ‘Member Login’, where you will then register or request a new password. We have created a Member’s Guide to assist you in navigating the site, click here.

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