HomeLatest NewsFederal NewsRural Communities Opioid Response Program Grant Opportunity

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Grant Opportunity

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) will be making approximately 10 awards of up to $1,000,000 per year (3-year period of performance) for the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access. The goal of this program is to improve health care in rural areas by establishing new MAT access points and increasing the capacity for sustainable MAT service provision in rural areas. 

Grant applicants can be any domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit, entity, but the proposed MAT access points must be located in HRSA-designated rural areas and cannot currently provide MAT as a clinical service.  

HRSA requires that applicants partner with at least two other entities to implement project activities, and has a particular interest in projects that propose to include correctional facilities and/or emergency departments to enhance discharge coordination.  Award recipients will also be expected to participate in a Learning Collaborative, to facilitate peer-to-peer mentorship, and to sustain services after the period of performance ends. 

Application Deadline: Friday, July 29, 2022 

To learn more about the program and to apply, please visit the Notice of Funding Opportunity. 

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Anna Swanson: ruralopioidresponse@hrsa.gov or 301.443.2398. 

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