HomeLatest NewsMember NewsMeet Team SDAHO: Jacob Parsons, SDAHO Director of Fiscal Policy

Meet Team SDAHO: Jacob Parsons, SDAHO Director of Fiscal Policy

​The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) is a voice for South Dakota’s hospitals and healthcare organizations encompassing the full continuum of care. SDAHO serves its members through information, education, and advocacy.

Jacob Parsons is SDAHO’s Director of Fiscal Policy, with advocacy being his main responsibility focusing on both state and federal issues. SDAHO’s Fiscal Policy office is in Pierre directly across the street from the state capital building, which Jacob says is beneficial not only during the legislative session but throughout the year. “It’s very beneficial to have me here so I can bounce from the capitol to my office during session, but even during the summer months when summer studies and committees are taking place. It’s easy for me to go over to the capitol and monitor what is going on or even provide testimony on behalf of our members on moment’s notice.” Jacob Parsons, Dir. Fiscal Policy, SDAHO

Jacob attended the University of South Dakota, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Health Administration and then his MBA. Out of college Jacob worked for the South Dakota Department of Health, as the Recruitment Program Coordinator within the Office of Rural Health. Jacob was also the Tobacco Program Director for the state before he moved over to the Bureau of Finance and Management where he was a budget analyst. “In that role I spent a lot of time working with appropriators working on the state’s budget process getting the dollars to where they needed to be.” Jacob Parsons, Dir. Fiscal Policy, SDAHO

Jacob says understanding the legislative process and knowing how to work with lawmakers has helped him in his current role. “The best thing is, I can take what I really liked doing – which is being with appropriations and working with legislators and take a step back from that State role and now working with our members and focus on doing what’s best for healthcare in South Dakota.” Jacob Parsons, Dir. Fiscal Policy, SDAHO

Jacob is originally from Pierre and is proud to still call the capitol city home. He and his wife Katie have two children, Marlow, and Jagger. “Anyone with young children knows, that is what your life revolves around. You are tied to their schedules and activities.” Jacob Parsons, Dir. Fiscal Policy, SDAHO

When there is free time, Jacob enjoys spending time on the river with his family or training for half and full marathons.

To learn more about Jacob Parsons visit the SDAHO YouTube Page.

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