HomeLatest NewsAdvocacySDAHO Legislative Update: Week 4

SDAHO Legislative Update: Week 4

This past Friday wrapped up week 4 of the 2023 Legislative session and things are beginning to pick up. Wednesday was the last day for a bill or resolution to be introduced. There are 491 total pieces of legislation that have been filed this session. Of those, SDAHO is monitoring 103 bills on our Bill Tracker.

Workforce continues to be a mission for SDAHO, therefore legislation aimed at assisting our members with workforce solutions, whether through education, recruitment or even housing issues is a top priority for the association. Ā A few of those bills include:

  • HB 1039 -Tuition for SD National Guard Members
  • HB 1044 ā€“ Behavioral Health Scholarship
  • HB 1055 ā€“ SD Opportunity Scholarship
  • HB 1183 ā€“ Compact on Occupational Therapy Licensure
  • SB 25 ā€“ Healthcare Recruitment Reimbursement
  • SB 41 ā€“ Loans and Grants for Housing Infrastructure (waiting for Governorā€™s Signature)
  • SB 76 ā€“ Licensure Endorsement

Stopping bad legislation is just as important as supporting good public policy. SDAHO is currently watching a handful of bills that we feel will negatively impact our members and the healthcare community.

  • HB 1216 -establish and revise requirements related to visitation policies and procedures for certain facilities.Ā Opposed
  • HJR – 5004 – Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid.Ā Do Pass, 11-2, House State Affairs (1/30/23) Opposed
  • SB 122 – address the potential abuse of opiate and opioid drugs.Ā Opposed
  • SB 125 – prohibit the imposition of additional immunization requirements on children.Ā Opposed

To take a closer look at all of the bills SDAHO is following, visit our advocacy page and click on the public bill tracker.

As we look to week 5, we anticipate healthcare related legislation will pick up. To view a more in-depth look at this yearā€™s South Dakota Legislative session, visit the LRC here.

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