HomeLatest NewsLong Term Care NewsLeadingAge 2023 Fellowship Program for New CEOs

LeadingAge 2023 Fellowship Program for New CEOs

​Do you know someone who recently became a CEO or executive director of an aging services organization? Encourage them to apply to the LeadingAge Fellowship Program, which guides participants through a six-month program focused on leadership effectiveness and self-discovery.

Leadership development is a journey of continually developing and strengthening our own leadership capacity in our practice as leaders—it is a lifelong approach that requires ongoing intention and attention to self-discovery, reflection, and nurturing a community of peer support.

The LeadingAge Fellowship Program offers a meaningful way to take stock of your individual leadership journey and desired future impact. It offers opportunities to enhance your leadership confidence and effectiveness through deep thinking, introspection, and the collective power of a peer network.

In addition, the program provides a confidential environment with consultative partners where you can share ideas, challenges, and advice. Being part of a peer group helps you gain new perspectives from the hard-won lessons and wisdom that come from the experiences of others in similar circumstances.

The first session begins April 18, 2023 and will include in-person and virtual sessions over a six-month period. Click here to register and learn more.

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