HomeLatest NewsMember NewsTrustee Quarterly Newsletter Winter 2023 Now Available

Trustee Quarterly Newsletter Winter 2023 Now Available

The Trustee Quarterly newsletter for Winter 2023 is available, with the theme focusing on the leveraging opportunity and building resilience.

Hospitals and health systems across the country are facing complex workforce challenges, rising costs of drugs and supplies, and minimal or negative operating margins. According to a new AHA report, 2022 will likely be recorded as the most financially difficult year for hospitals and health systems since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The article looks to current and emerging trends occurring in healthcare with valuable resources to help boards leverage opportunities for improvement and build more resilient organizations by combining their knowledge and organization specific experiences, successes and challenges.

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) has used education to help members better understand current and emerging trends, leverage opportunities when applicable and share ways to create a more resilient team to better handle the struggles facing the healthcare industry today and into the future.

Building Resilience is not as easy as it sounds. Some people are born with resiliency, many more aspire to it, and then fiercely achieve it. Resilience draws from our personal reserves and takes a healthy blend of determination, strongly held values, compassion, not only for oneself but for others, and a willingness to step back and find the higher meaning. Knowing and understanding what it is, is much easier than knowing how to achieve it. This past year and into 2023, SDAHO has offered a number of educational sessions on resiliency and self-care. Times are hard and personal and professional growth takes time and dedication. Some of the sessions provided by SDAHO are below and can be accessed at portal.sdaho.org or click on the links below.

The economic and workforce shortage outlook remains challenging, SDAHO has already provided a variety of self-care/ resiliency education options for 2023. These educational offerings provide insight and guidance into navigating resiliency for the healthcare community but also individual healthcare providers.

  • January 11 – Mindset and the Path to Excellence, Happiness, and Balance
  • Jan. 31 – Remembering Your Why – Reinvigorate Your Purpose & Passion
  • April 27 – First Responders to Mental Health
  • May 4 – Why Change Can be an Uphill Battle
  • May 25 – Loneliness
  • June 1 – How I Can Win the Uphill Battle of Change

SDAHO has made the vast majority of these sessions free to members, as part of their membership benefits. If you are a board member of a South Dakota hospital or health system and would like to partake in SDAHO’s education, please email michella.sybesma@sdaho.org to learn how to access this content.

To learn more about SDAHO educational offerings – visit the, www.sdaho.org/calendar/ or click here: calendar of events webpage.

To read the full version of the Quarterly Trustee Newsletter Winter 2023, Click Here.

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