HomeLatest NewsAwarenessNational Healthcare Decision Day Promotional Ideas

National Healthcare Decision Day Promotional Ideas

National Healthcare Decision Day (NHDD) (April 16) is quickly approaching. Having trouble coming up with an idea to promote the event in your community? Below is a list of ideas for you to consider:

Healthcare Setting

  • Set up tables to educate about and assist with advance directives completion for patients, visitors and staff at your hospital, in health centers and in outpatient clinics
  • Set up events in your community at senior centers, elderly housing projects, assisted living to not only bring them information on NHDD but to connect and build relationships
  • Host a variety of activities or tables in the hospital lobby.  Display a “Before I die” board that can be actively filled out across the day
  • Promote NHDD by having an advance care planning promo clip playing across tickers, kiosks, announcements or any other marketing platforms
  • Provide in-service education to patients/families and the community in multiple languages

Many Hands Make Light Work

  • Collaborate on a series of events with other community stakeholder groups and/or start a regional coalition to offer an event on NHDD at one or several locations
  • Reach out to faith-based places of worship to introduce the concept, co-design something together or offer to host a program/event in their space
  • Host an annual event for all hospital and skilled nursing facilities within your network- gathering volunteers from each place to plan together

Don’t forget your local or state officials

  • Reach out locally or state wide to get your Mayor or Governor to give a Proclamation for NHDD – click here for sample proclamations
  • Tap into local, regional, state-wide or national news, social media or internet outlets to promote NHDD
  • Promote NHDD on your local Radio Show
  • Write op-eds or newspaper articles in your local town or community paper

Promote NHDD to youth on college campuses or through other educational institutes

  • Set up a table in a central location on your campus where you can hand out flyers, start discussions and collect e-mails to send out electronic packets of information to students and staff.

Promote NHDD within your own circles

Click here for more ideas and resources.

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