Each week, through our Unified Voice Newsletter, recipients will receive an overview of state, federal, policy and additional issues impacting post-acute care. Each story will include a direct link to a more complete overview where readers can find more information on topics relevant to their needs.
In our April 14, 2023 Long-Term CareĀ weekly update
- SD DHS Webinars on SFY 2024 Rate Methodology
- Ā 2023 Legislative Session Brief for Healthcare Providers
- Reminder – CMS Rescinded Memo QSO-20-31-ALL Effective March 30, 2023.
- CDC Warns Emerging Fungus Can Cause Severe, Deadly Infections in Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities (3/20).
- Federal Court Dismisses Home Health Aide Lawsuit
- Home Health CAHPS Q4 Data Submission Deadline Reminder
- National Stakeholder Call with the CMS Administrator
- PRF Late Reporting Request for RP4 ā Due by April 28
- Hospice PEPPERĀ Now Available and New Webinar HHS Establishes Transition Period for Post-PHE Telehealth Compliance
- CMS Releases 2023 Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Profile
- New QuickCasts for Nursing Homes on End of PHE
- FY 2024 Appropriations: House Geriatrics Dear Colleague Letter
- LeadingAge Seeking Experiences/Stories on HCBS Settings Rule Implementation
- Overview of SNF PPS Rule
- Discussing Immigration and Workforce Shortages
- Congressional Nursing Caucus Relaunched.
- Registration Open: Webinar on LPC
- Planning and Land Use Practices for Affordable Housing
- Recent Survey Illustrates Voter Perceptions Toward Medicaid Programs
For SDAHO members interested in reading the long-term care weekly update in its entirety, pleaseĀ click here. Sign-in to the member portal and you will be redirected to the member only LTC update!