HomeLatest NewsEducation NewsgpTRAC Announces Telehealth Everywhere Conference

gpTRAC Announces Telehealth Everywhere Conference

The Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center (gpTRAC) is a telehealth training and technical assistance center located at the University of Minnesota that receives federal funding. They offer free resources, such as training, tailored consultations, and print and web-based resources to healthcare organizations of all kinds who wish to design, implement, grow, sustain, and evaluate telehealth services.

gpTRAC will host their annual conference, Telehealth Everywhere 2024, which is an upcoming event that you won’t want to miss. It offers a great opportunity to learn and interact with telehealth leaders from around the state area and across the nation. There is an impressive line-up of plenary speakers and breakout sessions, and the popular and interactive Splash Session provides even more opportunity to hear from programs across the region. You can check out the agenda here.

Join your peers in Bloomington, MN on May 21-22 to learn more about the current state of telehealth. Don’t delay! The regular registration rate and the hotel conference rate both end on April 29th. Click here to register. SDAHO members receive a $50 discount upon registering. To receive this code, please email info@sdaho.org.

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