Kenyon Salo is one of the top keynote speakers and trainers in the fields of motivation, inspiration, and adventure. One of only five members on the Denver Broncos Thunderstorm Skydive Team, he is seen each week flying into the Denver Broncos Stadium at 60+mph, ending with a soft tip-toe landing on the ten yard line. He brings to the stage over 20+ years of successful audience engagement through humor, awe-inspiring moments, prolific storytelling, and ‘edge-of-the seat’ content.
You’ll learn:
Kenyon Salo, known as the “James Bond of Speaking”, shows you how his three simple concepts of living “The Bucket List Life” will guide you to fulfillment on your life-long journey. During this highly energetic and engaging presentation, you will learn how to create phenomenal experiences, share powerful stories, and help others along the way.
The Bucket List Life and Kenyon Salo will help you elevate your life, both personally and professionally.