Educator. Motivator. Communicator. Consultant. Author…Catherine R. “Cat” Selman, BS, uses her dynamic personality and compelling presence to spread the message of positive, realistic, and common-sense strategies for the aging services professional.
Join Cat Selman Thursday, August 10, at Arrowwood Cedar Shore, Oacoma, for an intensive training covering Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the CMS Requirements of Participation.
Everyone has told you the “what,” but not many educators have told you the “how.” In this training, Cat be covering the details as to how facilities can prepare to meet the challenges of these new requirements. Surveyor focus and facility practice for residents’ rights, quality of life, dementia care, behavioral services, care planning/documentation and staffing issues, as well as facility assessment, will be addressed in depth. Give your interdisciplinary team the skills and knowledge to face the challenges that these new requirements present. Bring your entire team!
Click here to register online today!
SDAHO is the South Dakota affiliate of LeadingAge, an approved provider of continuing education in nursing home administration by the South Dakota Board of Nursing Facility Administrators. There are 6.0 contact hours available to nursing home administrators for participation in this educational offering.
SDAHO is approved as a provider for continuing education by the South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners, 135 East Illinois, Suite 214, Spearfish, SD 57783, SDBSWE Approval Period: January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016, Provider #1012. Social workers will receive up to 5.0 continuing education contact hours or .5 CEU’s at this conference. Sessions approved for social work hours are designated with an SW following the description.