Federal Committee Hearings Update

Senate Finance Committee kicks off next week with a hearing to look at drug pricing, “Drug Pricing in America:...

South Dakota Center for Nursing Workforce Symposium

The South Dakota Center for Nursing Workforce is hosting a Symposium April 30th at the Hilton Garden Inn South...

A new poll shows new Congress what to prioritize

A new POLITICO-Harvard poll of US Adults found the top 5 areas where all respondents regardless of party tend...

Health Workforce State Profiles

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) released an updated U.S Health Workforce...
Health care news printed on an old typewriter with heart beat pulse sketch

JUUL: What is it and why should health professionals care?

JUUL (JOOL – or JEWEL) is an electronic cigarette about the size of a thumb drive that uses nicotine...

New online tool displays cost differences for surgical procedures

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov. 27 launched a new online tool that will allow consumers...

SDAHO prepares guidance for posting hospital charges

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and subsequent guidance from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in fiscal...

Hospitals experience strong job growth in October

Hospitals added 13,000 new jobs in October, 1,000 more new hires than in September. Overall, healthcare added 35,600 jobs last...

Aunt Bertha provides social services help in seconds

For organizations that help people navigate social needs, the website AuntBertha.com is a treasure trove of information. The website...

Webinar: Avoiding Hospice Survey Deficiencies

A webinar will be held on Sept. 25 from 3 to 4 p.m. CT to help hospice providers understand...

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