The third meeting of the Regulation on Nursing and Assisted Living Beds Study was held on Sept. 8 in Pierre. As a part of the agenda, the committee undertook an in-depth review of North Dakota’s moratorium structure for consideration as a future possible model in South Dakota. Key aspects of the free enterprise model in North Dakota include selling beds, bed layaway and bed transfers. Clint Graybill, executive director post-acute care, Sanford Health, provided testimony to the advantages and disadvantages of the North Dakota model.

The committee is also reviewing the current South Dakota Moratorium statute to confirm intent and interpretation, review of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify opportunities for improvements, and consideration of other incentives for nursing homes to return beds to the state for redistribution.

The committee has received some education concerning the Department of Justice letter related to the state’s high nursing home utilization rates as this issue overlaps with the work of the committee.

The committee will hold its next meeting on Oct. 27, in Pierre. To review additional information on this issue, click here.