SDAHO is hosting a webinar to address the Informal Dispute Resolution process. “To Dispute or Not to Dispute: When and How to Initiate Informal Dispute Resolution” will be held Thursday, March 30, noon–1:30 pm CDT, and feature presenters, Howard L. Sollins and Gina L. Simms, Shareholders with Baker Donelson, Baltimore, Maryland, and Chris Qualm, Administrator, Health Facilities Licensure & Certification, South Dakota Department of Health.
Since the implementation of Nursing Home Compare, the Five-Star Quality Rating System and the risk of civil money penalties, nursing facility leaders should carefully consider the impact of all levels of deficiencies for potential informal dispute resolution (IDR) or Independent IDR (IIDR) processes. Even low-level deficiencies can have a negative impact on a facility’s star rating, participation in provider networks and new Medicare alternate payment methodology relationships, not to mention its public reputation and operational impacts. The IDR process can result in positive outcomes, including successful reductions in deficiency impacts and improvements to the state survey process. An IIDR can be an important tool when federal Civil Money Penalties, which can be substantial, are assessed.
There will be no charge to SDAHO institutional and associate members. There will be a $75 registration fee for non-members, per line, per facility. The target audience includes long-term care administrators, directors of nursing and other post acute care professionals. For more information or to register online, click here. To see other upcoming SDAHO educational opportunities, see the SDAHO website at www.sdaho.org.