HomeLatest NewsLong Term Care NewsH.R. 5821 HOSPICE Act Survey and Enforcement Procedures

H.R. 5821 HOSPICE Act Survey and Enforcement Procedures

On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 the HOSPICE (Helping our Senior Population in Comfort Environments) Act, H.R. 5821 was passed favorably by the House Ways and Means committee. This bipartisan bill was introduced by Congressmen Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-20) and Tom Reed (R-NY-23) on Monday February 10, 2020. Ways & Means staff announced that the bill received a CBO score which demonstrates savings of $180 million over a 10-year period. The bill states that a Hospice program must be surveyed “not less frequently than once every 24 months beginning October 1, 2021”.

Take a moment to read through the bill which includes information on public disclosure of information, survey guidelines, enforcement and penalties. The bill now moves on to a vote by the House. ​

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